Interested in getting involved in the lab?

 We are always seeking motivated undergraduate RAs/UROPs to assist with research in language acquisition. Duties include: recruiting and scheduling adult and child participants, testing adults and children on- and off-site, and aiding in the design of new studies. This is a great way to get involved in language research and learn a variety of research methods to probe questions related to how children produce and comprehend language.

Our lab usually has openings for 4-8 UROPs every semester. Each semester, the applications are considered for the following semester. UROPs may volunteer or receive course credit. UROPs receiving course credit are expected to work 12 hours per week doing lab-related duties, as commensurate with the 12-units of course credit they will receive. Preference will be given to those who can commit to the lab for at least 2 semesters. The longer a research assistant works in the lab, the more responsibilities they are given. Some students may work closely with graduate students in designing and implementing new research projects. Research projects conducted in the lab may, in some cases, be extended to become independent studies or senior projects.

If you are interested in participating in lab research please contact lab managers Kate Kinnaird ( or Premvanti Patel (