Participate in an Online Study!

  • How do online studies work?

    Our researchers will reach out to schedule a session at a time that works for you and your child. We will conduct the study via video-conferencing (Zoom), much in the same way we would in person. All data is stored on our secure lab servers, and can only be accessed by qualified researchers.

  • Why should my child participate?

    We know that many parents are looking for new and interesting activities to engage their children. We create our studies to be as enjoyable and exciting of an experience as possible, so kids can have fun while contributing to science from the comfort of their own home.

  • How do I participate?

    Complete the short contact survey at the bottom of this page, or click here, and our researchers will reach out to schedule a study according to your child's age. Examples of a few of our current studies are included below, and you can learn more about our research in our FAQ.

Help the alien learn the names of things!

For 4-years-and-6-months old to 5-years-and-6-months!

Help us investigate what children think of partial objects. Meet Zoryn the alien and her friends and play a game with them!

Click here to register your 4 or 5 year old.

Learn an alien language!

For 6- and 7-year-olds!

Help us investigate how children learn adjectives. Fly to space in a rocket ship and meet Blorbo - our alien friend. If you learn his language, he’ll give you stars to power up your rocket ship and blast off!

Click here to register your 6 or 7 year old.

Meet ocean friends!

For 2-years-and-6-months old to 3-years-and-5-months!

Help us investigate how children learn questions by meeting our whale friends! This exciting study involves a new methodology that looks to replicate naturalistic parent-child interactions.

Click here to register your 2 or 3 year old.

Say hi to panda!

For 3-year-olds!

Help us investigate how children learn adjectives. Hear from cute animal pals like Panda, Kitty, and Bear during this quick game for 3-year-olds.

Click here to register your 3 year old.

Help Owl!

For 4-year-olds!

Help us understand how children understand words like “it’s” in “it’s raining” by playing hide-and-seek with Owl! Kids will enjoy a game of looking for objects as Owl gives clues.

Click here to register your 4 year old.